Location: Stroud, Glos, United Kingdom

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Power of your Blog

During a brief interlude today, I did a little research into the search engine saturation of the blogs I tend to keep track of. The tool I use it Marketleap. I used it a lot when I was getting my online store established to compare how I was doing with the competition and how the search engine optimisation was going.

Today, I did a search on a few of the blogs that are listed here, under "blogs I read". The results were pretty impressive and when compared to my one genuine adsenser, were all the more impressive. Basically, I should be getting far more visitors to this blog, from the search engines, than to my adsense site. Obviously, if I want to get ahead in the adsense world this is something that I need to address.

Is it worth adding adsense to this blog? Going by the most experienced online marketer that I trust, no is the answer. The reasons I can think of would be that, firstly, the search engine results for this site would be pretty random - not likely aimed at any particular market as the posts are mere ramblings on any particular subject. The second reason may be that as soon as someone clicks through to this blog, they are immediately aware its a blog and therefore highly likely to simply click the "back" button on their browser, knowing it wasnt what they were looking for.

There are a couple of things that are buzzing around my mind at present from this little search engine saturation discovery. Firstly, had I have set up my adsense site as a cms and posted to it hand written articles at the rate I am doing to this blog (ie, pretty infrequently) it would probably be doing better than it is at present? Secondly, is it worth while using a cms (or otherwise) as a way to blog and therefore slightly disguise your blog as an information type site - basically, just getting away from the instantly recognisable blog stylee.

I dont currently have any way of checking the visitor stats on this blog but would be very interested to hear on the number of unique visitors any of you other bloggers get per day and any thoughts you have about monetizing your blogs. Before dismissing it, check out marketleap and put your blogs search engine saturation up against that of one of your big money earner sites - let me know how they compare.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get around 35 unique visitors a day on average. But the downside to blog stats is that you can't easily distinguish between crawlers such as bloglines, people on an rss reader of some sort, and real visitors. I've now installed a visitor tracker which only tracks the human visitors from Count Me Counter which is beginning to give me much clearer stats.

As for monetising it. I have adsense on my single post pages purely because I like the possibility of my content triggering a random link of interest to someone. They're rarely clicked on however so I'm not sure if I may remove them altogether. I often see links that I'm interested, sites I wouldn't see otherwise thanks to adsense and I do believe it can compliment your site, but of course added tastefully.

I know of a blog - which apparently makes around $10k a month. A nice earner, getting paid to write about your personal life!

Blogging software is great for web sites however. Spiders love them, Google racks up so many page hits and bandwidth on mine compared to my other sites. I'm setting up a new site and am using Wordpress to power it to see if it has any different affect on how well the site does. Once it's populated it's easy enough to maintain and simple to add articles to. Plus there are so many free themes/templates out there you don't even need to design for it!

10:40 AM  
Blogger richandzhaoyan said...


$10k/month on a blog featuring, primarily, just ramblings - thats good going - and a fair incentive for keeping up the diary - something I have never been very good at!

I will take a look at the counter sometime, although at present I am pretty much happy just to keep posting. I know of plenty of bloggers that have been going alot longer than me that do not get huge traffic, so I dont reckon adsense would be great earner on this site at present (although it would probably give my one adsense site a run for its money just now!)

What I am starting to think about alot is web presence.

By setting up a blogger blog and a wordpress blog (on their site), you instantly have two forms of "free" linking sources. I guess, too, that their is no reason not to set up several blogs - ok, so it would mean more time spent posting, but you are in total control as to what you post, the content and the outgoing links - with the great benefit, as you mentioned, that the spiders love blogs.

I am sure this is not news to alot of people, but it something that I am just coming to terms with myself.

Another thought I have had on the whole "power of the blogs" is posting comments. A point in case, is that when I post on a blogger blog, the link from my handle is to my blogger id, not alot of use as I dont really want to promote that in the search engines. Your tag, on the other hand, give you an inbound link to your blog, every time you post.

There are alot of people currently trying to submit articles to article sites, just for the inbound links that could be generated - it may be easier to just spend an evening posting comments to several blogs with the web address you wish to promote as your blogger name.

Of course, all this rambling may just be distracting me from the job in hand, setting up more adsense sites - BUT, I figure if I spend a little time setting up a "network" of established sites and get the spiders calling, then it should be alot easier to promote my new sites - when I eventually get around to creating them :)


1:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right in the power of a blog. I've just set up the news section of a client using Wordpress. Blog software for a corporate site, and the people involved are highly excited at launching it next week! Blogs are instant news. The minute you post it's pinged to places such as Weblogs and Technorati, and within less than an hour someone can visit your site because of that post. Much quicker than getting into Google that's for sure.

Blogs are so flexible these days I can see more and more businesses using them for their various announcements and news sections.

But I agree. Using your blog as a marketing tool is a good way of getting sites seen. Whenever I set up a new site I'll write about it. As you say, you have the control and you can write what you want, plus the spiders will follow the links and pick up the new sites.

I believe blogs are still set to explode further. They're massively used in the US with the UK beginning to pick up. But that's the personal market mainly. The business market is still to catch on but it's getting there slowly.

11:25 AM  

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